St. Elizabeth‘s Cathedral

The construction of St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral lasted over hundred years (since the end of the 14th century – until the beginning of the 16th century).

It is the easternmost cathedral in Western Gothic style and the biggest church in Slovakia. There used to be one smaller church in the place of the cathedral before. Because of the city´s expansion and after the fire a new church construction was started, in a very interesting way. They built the circumferential walls at first, then they demolished the original church and built the roof of the new one. The cathedral is dissymmetrical, because when the construction was to be completed, there was not enough money to finish the southern tower. A sundial from 1477 has been preserved next to the southern tower, above a Gothic window. St. Elizabeth of Hungary became the patron of the church, who lived in the 13th century and although she was noble, she would help the poor. We can find her statue with a spoon in her hand on the right hand side on the main and the most precious altar from 1474 – 1477. On the altar wings there are scenes from her life. The altar can be shut twice. Closing it first time, next pictures appear, showing scenes from the life of Jesus Christ. After closing the altar a second time, we can see the picture from a cycle about the Virgin Mary. In total the altar contains 48 pictures painted under the influence of the Dutch painting school. A 16-metre high pastoforium on the left hand side of the altar is a Gothic stone jewel. There are several wall paintings from the 15th century in the cathedral and a bronze baptismal font, apparently from the former church. The only double Gothic spiral staircase in Europe leads to the imperator balcony on the right in the cathedral. Opposite there is a mausoleum of the leader of the biggest anti-Habsburg uprising – Francis Rákoczi II.

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